Use of Weapons
The decals were put onto the AA-10C missiles and their pylons after giving them a gloss coat. Another gloss coats was applied and once that was dry the missiles and the pylons were given a wash of Flory Models Dark Dirt.The same was done for the pylons for the AA-11 missiles. You can see them in front of the AA-10Cs below.
After a coat of matt varnish these were then attached to the model.
The AA-8 missiles require an APU-60 pylon to be launched and Eduard supply these to go with the missiles. However in order to launch them from a Mig-29 there is some correction required to these. This is what and APU-60 should look like
The kit launchers are too big and are not very detailed but they do have the right attachment points to the wing of the Mig 29. My solution was to use the attachment supplied with the kit and the launcher supplied by Eduard. You can see the kit part at the top of this photo and the Eudard part underneath it.
This required removal of the kit launcher from the attachment and mating it to the Eduard launcher.
After a bit of squaring up and careful gluing I now have an accurate APU-60 suitable for a Mig 29.
I used the same procedure to make a second.
These were painted up and decals were applied. Here's one temporarily attached to the wing as the decals set.
Good Twin or Evil Twin?
You might remember that I used a part of the kit as a mask for the front wheel well. Since this part underwent surgery to make it act as a mask I needed to get a replacement. The Eduard 1/48 Mig-29UB has this same part so I decided to copy it, and some blade antennas I also need, in resin.
For a more detailed tutorial on how I made the mould and did the resin casting click here.
Here's one of the resin blade antennas attached...
...and here's the replacement nose gear door/strut.
There's still a bit to do. I had to write it all down so I don't forget anything. It's all of the detail bits really so we should not be too far from a final reveal.