Sunday, 13 October 2013

Academy 1/48 Mig-29A - Part 7

Back to part 6

Hold the Front Page - We have a Scoop

There's a little air scoop on top of the fuselage.  The representation of it in the kit is pretty average - it's just a solid lump of plastic.  An air scoop should be able to...well...scoop - and this one was not even hollow!  I decided that it needed improving so I cut off the front portion and then rebuilt it out of plasticard to make it hollow.

The updated version looks much better.  It still needs a bit more cleaning up but at least now it looks like it could actually scoop some air.

And here it is finally fitted to the fuselage.

Feeling Etchy

Some of the exterior photoetched parts were attached.  There are some that are very small indeed and others that need to be curved to fit properly.

Painting Starts

As I had two of the Eduard masking set, the canopy was masked both inside and outside.  Here it is with the inside masked.

The interior colour was sprayed inside and out before attaching it temporarily to the airframe prior to painting the interior colour over the forward canopy.

The rubber surround on the main canopy of the Mig-29 is a very vibrant pink colour as can be seen on the Hungarian example below.

To simulate this I sprayed exterior of the main canopy pink around the edges being careful not to get any of this paint on the inside.  The exterior mask was then removed.  A slightly larger mask put in place for the rest of the painting once this paint is thoroughly dried.  Lovely colour isn't it?

Next time I'll mask the wheel wells and start the painting in earnest.

I have also just ordered some stencil decals as neither the kit nor the decal sheet I am using have all of the myriad of stencils applied to this aircraft.  Let's hope they arrive before I get to the stage where I'm going to need them.

On to Part 8.

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