Back to part 5.
The Home Stretch
In this part we bring it all together and finish off the model. After the gloss coat was dry the decals were applied. The stencil decals were prone to silvering but responded well enough to decal softener. The main decals were very thin and snuggled down nicely into the panel lines.
To ensure that the a wash would go over decals I used a sharp blade along the panel lines and applied more decal softener. Once that was dry I gave the model another gloss coat and left it to dry for a few hours. The wash used is Flory Models Dark Dirt. This is brushed liberally all over the model.
It looks pretty awful once the wash goes on but we'll take care of that.
Once the wash was dry it was wiped off with a lightly moistened kitchen towel. Wash remains in the panel lines giving a slightly dirty look. In the image below the wash has been cleaned off one wing but left on the other. It adds a natural grimy look to the airframe.
Once the was was removed it was time to bring everything together.
The model was given a flat coat and once that was dry the canopy was unmasked. All that remained was a few final bits of assembly, some soot trails from the guns and some exhaust staining from the engine.
I'm calling this one done. Check out the pictures of the final model here.
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